Thursday, February 2, 2012

1 Peter 3:8-22 Questions

Read 1 Peter 3:8-22.
Day One
  1. Recall the point of 2:11-3:7. What seems to be the point of 3:8-22?

  1. In verse 8 Peter list 5 adjectives describing the attitudes with which Christians should treat other people, especially Christians. What are those adjectives? Of those 5 adjectives, which do you find most difficult and why?

Day Two
  1. Why is harmony among Christians crucial? See Matthew 18:19-20, John 17:21.

  1. How can Christians disagree while maintaining harmony?

Day Three
  1. Peter tells us to give a blessing to those who insult or injure us (3:9).
Luke 6:35-36 and 1 Peter 3:9 give 2 reasons why we should bless those who insult us. What are those reasons?

  1. We are told in vs. 15 that we are to set apart Christ as Lord in our hearts. What does that mean to you and what are some practical ways you can do that?

Day Four
  1. Why is it important to keep a clear conscience? What does that mean to you?

  1. In verse 18, we learn the reasons for the teaching of verses 14-17. It explains why and how “you are blessed” if you “suffer for what is right.”

Day Five:
  1. Why did Christ die? (verse 18)

Discussion Questions:
Have you been mistreated for being a Christian or taking a stand for something good? What happened? How did you deal with it? Did it have a strengthening affect on your faith?

Peter talks about having the same mind toward suffering as Jesus had. How can Jesus’ example help you when you face trials?

How does a Christian maintain an eternal perspective when suffering for doing good?

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