Thursday, February 2, 2012

1 Peter 4:1-11 Questions

Day One

Read 1 Peter 4:1-11.

1. What are some of the things you spend your time on each day?

2. How can we make our time count for eternity?

3. Why do you think suffering in the body causes us to release sin?

Day Two

4. What kind of attitude should we have toward sin?

5. What attitude should we have toward unbelievers? Why?

Day Three

6. What is the difference between “covering over” sin and excusing sin?

7. What commandments did Peter give believers to help keep balance concerning the Lord’s return?

8. How can we obey these commandments in specific practical ways?

Day Four

9. What does Biblical hospitality look like?

10. Is hospitality difficult for you? Why?

Day Five

11. How should Christ’s return impact the way we live our lives today?

12. How is doing the will of God a good investment for the rest of our lives?

For Reflection:

What will you do this week to make your time count more for eternity?

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