Thursday, October 28, 2010

Philippians 1:12-30 Questions

Philippians 1:12-30 Questions
Week 4

Read Philippians 1:12-30.

  1. Reviewing this passage (1:12-26), summarize Paul’s attitude about his situation.

  1. He feels this way first of all because his circumstances are serving to advance the gospel. How has his imprisonment affected….

Other Christians in Rome (verses 14-18)?

The pagan in the palace guard, and others (verse 13)?

  1. Why is Paul unconcerned about the selfishness of those who preach Christ in order to make trouble for him (verses 17-18)?

  1. Paul is able to “let it go” because he has a Godly perspective about what is happening. How difficult is it for you to let go when someone is trying to “stir up trouble” for you? Why do you think that is so difficult?

  1. Meditate on 1:20 and its implications. How can Christ be exalted in your body by your life or by your death?

  1. Which one of the attitudes Paul expresses seems especially relevant to your current circumstances?

  1. How could you follow Paul’s example with regard to this attitude?

  1. How might your circumstances serve to advance the gospel?

  1. Has God chained you to anyone in order to share the gospel? (in your family, at work, in your neighborhood) If so, how can you use those chains to God’s advantage?

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