A Mother’s Heart
Teacher at Home
Chapter 9
How many teachers do we have here by profession?
What makes a good teacher?
Patience, enthusiasm, mastery of subject, ability to use many teaching methods.
Has anyone had an unconventional education?
Home schooled, boarding school, schooled in a foreign country?
Share: page 8, 22, 23 For The Children’s Sake by Susan Schaeffer Macaulay
In order to be an effective at home teacher we have some primary responsibilities:
1. To know our child/ren.
Evaluate each child individually
2. To go to God in prayer about their education
Importance of an Open Mind.
3. To model life long learning.
Importance of reading
Importance of limiting TV and Computers
4. To create an atmosphere of creativity and learning.
Importance of nature
Importance of music
Importance of Art
Importance of Books
Importance of Boredom
5. To determine what values are important.
Importance of Biblical Values.
Sally Clarkson, in her book, The Mission of Motherhood has a chapter devoted to being a
teacher at home.
This is what she says are foundational truths when teaching our children.
1.Teach them to think and reason Biblically
The Importance of knowing the Bible yourself
2.Teach Morality
Right from Wrong
3.Teach Who God is
What a personal relationship with Christ is.
4.Teach Wisdom
God’s view of things
5.Teach Faith
Trusting in God’s reality and reliability.
Chapter 9
A Mother’s Heart
Who was the best teacher you had and what made them a good teacher?
How did they impact your life?
What values are important to you to teach to your children?
Why are those values important?
Can you share a “teachable moment” you have had recently with your child?
Assignment for the next lesson:
For the next 2 weeks I would like you to think about what values you want to impart to your children and where those values come from.
I want you to make a list of things you want to pass on to your children and pray for teachable moments to share those values.
This is the foundation for all teaching and discipline. If you want to impart your world view you need to know what that is and where it comes from.
What is the basis for your discipline?
What character qualities are important to you and why?
Evaluate your home, is it a place of learning and creativity. What more could you do to make it that way?
How much time is spent in God’s creation? Is that a high value for you?