Monday, October 17, 2011

Questions 1Peter 1:13-2:3

1 Peter 1:1:13-2:3

1.   What does it mean to “prepare your mind for action”?

b.   What are some ways that we can do this?

2.   When you hear “be holy” because I am holy what thoughts run through your mind?

3.   What practical steps can one take in pursuit of holiness? See Ephesians 4:22-24; John 14:26; 15:1-2.

4.   Describe the slavery from which Christ redeemed you personally (vs. 18). For instance how was your own life “empty,” “futile” before submitting to Jesus?

5.   In your own words, explain what verses 23-25 teach.

6.   How should this fact motivate us to fervent, Christ-like love?

7.   Often God may place difficult people in our lives, people that it can be a challenge to love. Since agape love is action, what are some ways you can show agape love to difficult people?

8.   Read 1 Peter 2:1-3. Are the vices listed here attitudes of the heart or outward actions? Why do you think so?


Can you recall a recent time when you felt or showed one of the vices in 2:1? If so, what might have been the source of that “bad fruit?” (See Luke 6:43-45, Galatians 5:13-26)

Peter gives several commands in this section of scripture. Choose one and plan some steps you could take to grow more obedient to this command in the coming week.

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