Wednesday, October 3, 2012

S.O.A.P. Bible Study Method




Write out and take note of any verses that stand out to you.





What do you observe about the scripture you are reading, especially those that are significant to you?





How can you apply those verses to your life today?






Write out a prayer that shares with God how you can apply the truth of your observation and application to your life today.




Hebrews Chapter 1 & 2

Just to review what I taught last time. The book of Hebrews was written to a group of Hebrews around 70A.D. The author is unknown. The purpose of the letter is to encourage this group of believers to stay strong in their faith as some were going back to the traditions and faith of Judaism as a result of growing persecution.
In the first 8 or so chapters the writer of Hebrews (under the indwelling of the Holy Spirit) makes his case as to why this group of believers needs to stay firm in their faith in Jesus. His case is that Jesus is superior to anything or anyone else that they had previously believed or put their trust in.
Rock, Scissors, Paper: 
Remember the old children’s game to decide who wins at something or who goes first. One, two, three, shoot. Rock, Scissors, Paper.
Rock beats scissors, scissors cuts paper but paper covers rock.
That is what this passage reminded me of. Jesus, Prophets, Moses, Angels….
Jesus beats them all. He is superior in every way.
As you study this book I have asked you to make a list of all the persons/beliefs that Christ is superior to. Let’s begin.
Jesus is superior to the Angels:

In the Jewish faith, angels were revered creatures. The word angel means messenger. There are numerous examples in the OT of God speaking or leading by angels.
God recognizes the position that angels have in the mind of the Jews. There was even a Jewish sect at that time that worshiped angels. But in this section God reminds the Hebrews that angels are created beings, actually created by Jesus and therefore Jesus trumps angels.

Jesus is superior to the prophets.
We need to remember that the prophets had a huge role in the Jewish faith. They were rock stars to the Jews. They were the direct line from man to God and God to man. Most scholars believe that Abraham was the first prophet. God certainly spoke to Abraham as He did to others and I will elaborate on that in just a few minutes.
What makes Jesus superior to the prophets and the angels?
Jesus is Superior:
He is heir of all things. (v.2.)
That means that everything belongs to Him.

He is the exact representation of God.(v.3)
Jesus says, if you see me you have seen the Father because I and the father are one. (John 14:9)

He sustains all things.(v.3)
He not only is the creator of the universe but He sustains it as well. He doesn’t just start things in motion and let them go on their way.

He is the purifier of sin.(v.3)
 He is our redeemer. He has paid for our sin through His death on the cross. He is the only sacrifice needed; which for the Jews would be a huge selling point. They no longer had to go to the temple and offer sacrifices to maintain their holy standing with God. Because Jesus was the sinless sacrifice, He met God’s holy standards.
He is God’s firstborn.(v.6)
Another selling point. Jewish culture placed tremendous value on the firstborn son. He was the one that received the Father’s blessing and the majority of the worldly possessions. That Jesus was God’s firstborn gave Him even more stature if that were possible.
His throne will last forever.(v.8)
The writer is encouraging the Hebrews to hang in there because Jesus’ throne is eternal.

He is the creator of all(v10)

He is immortal(v.14)
Because of all of these truths about Jesus, God then says:
Don’t ignore Salvation.

What is salvation? What exactly did Jesus do for us?

He came to earth and took on the form of a man.
He was fully God and fully man and after He had lived on earth, taught and healed and lived with the disciples, he surrendered his life to be crucified.
He became obedient to death, on a cross, a humiliating, painful death.
He had all things under him, yet chose to humble himself to die so that the fear of death would no longer have power over us if we would accept “so great a salvation.”

Jesus was the only one to ever defy death.

Vs. 14 says that:
“Jesus shared in our humanity so that by his death he might destroy him who holds the power of death, that is the devil and free those who all their lives were held in slavery by their fear of death. Vs. 16 “For surely it is not angels he helps, but Abraham’s descendants. For this reason he had to be made like his brothers in every way, in order that he might become a merciful and faithful high priest in service to God, and that he might make atonement for the sins of the people. Because he himself suffered when he was tempted, he is able to help those who are being tempted.”

In Old Testament times there were various ways that God spoke to his people. Of course in the beginning in Genesis, God spoke with Adam and Eve face to face as we speak to one another. Once Adam and Eve disobeyed God that relationship changed. They were banished from the garden but He still had relationship with them. In Genesis 4 it is recorded that the Lord spoke to Cain. He also speaks to Noah in Genesis 8 and to Abraham in chapter 12. In chapter 15 it states that God spoke to Abram in a vision and that “the word of the Lord came to him.”

Another way God spoke in the O.T. was through angels. Genesis 19 we see 2 angels arrive at Sodom to rescue Lot.
God spoke through angels (Gen. 16)

God spoke through dreams (Gen. 28:10-19)

God spoke through visions (Gen. 15)

God spoke through the use of the Urim and Thummim (Ex. 28:30)

God spoke through symbolic actions (Jer. 18:1-10)

God spoke through a gentle whisper (1 Kings 19:12)

God spoke through miraculous signs (Ex. 8:20-25)

And of course, God spoke directly Himself (Gen. 3:9)
As I studied this passage I was struck by 2 things that I want to share.
First, are the lengths that God has gone to to have relationship with us.
He created us and has looked for communication with us ever since.
In the Old Testament He used so many creative ways to speak to His people. He shows grace and compassion time and again.
He says, Rev. 3:20, “I stand at the door and knock, if anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with him, and he with me.”
Then I looked at how He provided an even better way to have relationship with us through Jesus. I wrestled with this at first. I thought, why is Jesus better than the way God spoke in the Old Testament? I mean, he spoke to Moses face to face as we speak to each other. That sounds so much better to me.
As I thought about it and I prayed about it, this is what I discovered.

When God spoke through the prophets, the message was received third hand. You heard what God said through someone else.

When God sent his messenger angels, it was the same thing~third hand.

When he spoke through dreams and visions they were uncommon occurrences.

Jesus is better because He fills in what we lack. Because of the Holy Spirit we have immediate, constant access to God. 24/7 communion.  And we have a high priest that “gets it.” He lived on the earth and understands our frailties. He has compassion and self-giving love. Because we have been left the Bible we get to see the character of God. Because of what Jesus has done we learn to understand what true self-giving love is and as a result of the indwelling of the Holy Spirit we are able to truly have our spiritual eyes opened.

So I have 2 questions for you today.

1. Have you ignored so great a salvation? Have you heard Jesus knocking at the door of your heart? Open the door.

2. Are you paying careful attention to Christ so that you don’t drift away?

Hebrews 3:8 says, “Today if you hear His voice, do not harden your hearts…”
Are you listening for His voice?
Chapters 1 and 2 Discussion Questions
How has your view of Jesus changed as a result of these chapters?
What are some things you tend to put your faith in before you turn to Christ?
Given the excellency and supremacy of Christ, why do you think human beings still tend to trust other things more?
What are some of the ways that God speaks today?
What restorative steps would you advise for those who have drifted away from God or failed to pay attention to His word?
How does knowing that Jesus suffered and was tempted help you when you are being tempted?